
How To Complete the Calm Retreat in Your Master Bath


说Spaaaahhhh! Master baths have become calming retreats; how to get the look.

把黄瓜切片。, steep that herbal tea and infuse your ice water with fresh fruit, 因为今天的主浴可以与最豪华的日间水疗相媲美. 房主和洗浴专业人士正在唤起一种“现在就平静下来”的心态,并精心制作镇静剂, clean-lined retreats for bathroom suites. 这些构思精美的私人绿洲既赏心悦目,也令人心旷神怡. 最棒的是? 不需要预约.

主浴宁静静修柏树设计公司.; photo by Denise Bass

For a master suite in Seekonk, 柏树设计公司. 与客户合作,实现了令人惊叹的“逃离日常生活的喧嚣”,” offers Showroom Manager Jennifer Voll. 这家公司一语中的,然后用这种“酷而现代”的设计,金光闪闪 Carrara marble in the shower and countertops and the counterpoint of black slate flooring.

柏树设计公司.; photo by Denise Bass

This refreshing, minimalist space lets the beauty of the materials shine. 这里没有杂乱的容身之地, 虽然苗条, soigné furnishings and an elegant soaking tub certainly do. 甚至白色和镀铬的管道装置都是精心挑选的,这样就不会有任何“干扰放松”,沃尔说。.


的 master bath is imbued with light and boasts an airy feel. 事实上, 房主, who aren’t in close proximity to their neighbors, 谢绝的窗户装饰,以引入更多辉煌的自然光. 这个选择符合“少即是多”、“呼吸新鲜空气”的态度. 就在船上.

柏树设计公司.; photo by Denise Bass

斯坎迪亚厨房 embraces a similar color scheme, but dons a more traditional style for their master bath, 如下图所示. 毫无疑问的经典, this look “will stand the test of time,” says Designer and Showroom Manager Colleen Lord. 不要被他们的名字骗了, Scandia厨房的高品质, custom cabinetry is equally at home in the bath, where it prizes functionality as well as beauty.

斯坎迪亚厨房; photo by Warren Patterson

这位大师将大理石与镶框的橱柜结合在一起,营造出一种干净、轻松的感觉. Generous storage is the secret to its serenity. 斯坎迪亚厨房’ drawers are outfitted with removable dividers to aid in organization. 洛德建议用一个抽屉来防止你的化妆品和你的发饰混在一起,或者把最上面的抽屉从中间分开,这样“他的”和“她的”都能在水槽旁得到最好的空间. “每样东西都有一个家,”主说. “When you start and end your day” in a space like this, 她还在继续, 你一定会消除压力.

斯坎迪亚厨房; photo by Rosemary Fletcher

第二个设计也是由斯坎迪亚厨房设计的,体现了该公司在橱柜方面的艺术性. This table-style vanity with stainless steel feet is, 在本质上, 精美的家具, and hand sanded and made to order for this handsome, 过渡浴. 浓咖啡胡桃木橱柜, smooth against a backdrop of river rock, works beautifully as the centerpiece of this soothing space, 哪些玩具质地有趣, 线路和音调.

Roomscapes; photo by Dan Cutrona

For a traditionally styled two-story home overlooking Hingham Harbor, sweeping coastal views figured heavily into the design of Roomscapes’ 闪光主浴. 被柔和的蓝色包裹着, 灰色和大量的白色, this immaculate conception has all of the merits of a seaside spa. 由于半圆形观景窗的外壳与浴缸引人注目的盆的边缘齐平, the bather’s gaze rests on the scenic panorama outside.

Roomscapes; photo by Dan Cutrona

On the other end of the design spectrum, 室内景观培养一种时尚, 新贝德福德(New Bedford)一个过渡家庭住宅的主浴室有城市的感觉. This sleek space is a study in contrasts, with its custom dark stained cabinets and glossy white marble. 抛光的镀铬灯具为设置带来“边缘”,并带出大理石的精致纹理和地板交织马赛克图案的微妙几何形状.

Designed by Chelsi Christensen of Design East Interiors; photo courtesy of 设计师浴 and Salem Plumbing Supply

对许多新英格兰人来说,a 豪华的浴缸 is the heart of a sigh-worthy master bath, 和MTI浴的屡获殊荣的朱丽叶浴缸从精品收藏使这一点很漂亮. 这艘来自设计师巴斯和塞勒姆管道供应公司的令人惊叹的船只以其雕塑般的设计孕育着它的主人,并作为上面优雅避风港的焦点. Ammara设计的罗马浴缸填充物, 甲板安装在大理石上, 由Design East Interiors的Chelsi Christensen设计的头顶发光的枝形吊灯和树梢景观使这个诱人的场景更加完美.

Designed by Lori Scholz of Lori Scholz Interiors; photo courtesy of 设计师浴 and Salem Plumbing Supply

在另一种设计中, 来自设计师浴和Salem Plumbing Supply的相同的独立式浸泡浴缸以不同的方式投射. Lori Scholz Interiors的设计师Lori Scholz将其鲜明的白色色调与深沉丰富的木材相呼应, 的审美. 其中的一项令人惊叹, 隽永的大理石壁炉,将古老的水火结合,带到此时此地. 我们喜欢房间的运动感,以及浴缸的流动轮廓如何与石头和艺术品相呼应. 的 Dornbracht Tara freestanding tub filler, with its far-reaching contemporary lines and silvery finish, 是最优附件.

主浴宁静静修Photo courtesy of Frank Webb’s Bath Center

Frank Webb的浴室中心设计的这套温馨的浴室套间唤起了类似的克制和当代风格的语言. 平易近人却不失优雅, this cocoon of a room features products from DXV’s Lyndon Collection, as envisioned by some of the industry’s top designers. 的 suite of luxury products, fixtures and fittings-白色帆布的Lyndon独立式浴缸和拉丝镍的方形地板安装浴缸填料, among them—prizes symmetry and purity of form.

主浴宁静静修Photo courtesy of Frank Webb’s Bath Center

在第二个浴室设计中, Frank Webb Bath的中心从自然中汲取灵感,创造了一个平衡与和谐的禅宗式空间. Replete with barefoot-friendly woods, 自由流动的水和Axor的Massaud系列元素(包括独立式浴缸), 大型船舶水槽, 倾盆大雨淋喷头, freestanding tub filler and candle holders), the master bath has an organic appeal. “冷静, feel-good space encourages you to spend time there, 即使在你洗澡之后,” contends a spokesperson for the reputed distributor and showroom. 我们会说.

主浴宁静静修Snow and Jones Kitchen and Bath Solutions

For Snow and Jones Kitchen and Bath Solutions, the key to a spa-like experience lies in the features of the amenities. 这个浴室, recently constructed by McKay Construction of Norwell, 由Victoria + Albert设计的独立式浴缸因其流畅完美的设计而被选中. 虽然它的足迹并不大, 这位沐浴美女有一个“深度浸泡”和一个豪华的“大水井,可以放一个5英尺的浴缸”,市场总监兼设计师/建造者/建筑师联络员Danielle Jones解释道. Kohler’s Purist tub filler is the perfect complement, with sleek lines that echo those of the design but don’t overshadow.

主浴宁静静修Snow and Jones Kitchen and Bath Solutions

该设计的定制淋浴, tiled in the cool white and blue palette that pervades the bath, offers a reinvigorating alternative to the soaking tub. 的 rainmakers’ multifunction sprays not only reinvigorate, 它们每天都给主人带来水疗的好处.

主浴宁静静修的rmaSol shower environment, available at Splash; photo courtesy of 的rmaSol

罗宾·肖, 水花建造商联络, 完全同意房主在家里“筑巢”和“模仿水疗体验”. 像科勒这样的品牌, Dornbracht和的rmaSol(如上图所示)让消费者在自己家里就能享受蒸汽淋浴的能量和好处. 在Splash,客户可以 设计定制淋浴系统 that control water pressure, temperature, and even sound and light. 说到充电……

Saunas, too, have become increasingly popular, says Shor. 那些寻求温柔的人, 桑拿房舒缓紧张的热量可以与Splash一起为他们选择的房间提供装备和框架. Generally on a lower level (perhaps next to the home gym?), saunas provide a restorative still retreat, where those waiting to exhale can sweat it out at their leisure.

Photo courtesy of Clarke, New England’s Official Sub-Zero & 狼陈列室和测试厨房

Lest you think that Wolf appliances only graced the kitchen, look what the brand is doing for a magnificent master suite. Our sources at Clarke, New England’s Official Sub-Zero & Wolf Showroom透露了这一点 暖狼抽屉 are replacing typical vanity storage for decidedly atypical results. 现在,在洗澡或淋浴时,房主可以用烤毛巾和长袍把自己裹起来.

Photo courtesy of Clarke, New England’s Official Sub-Zero & 狼陈列室和测试厨房

Wolf的保温抽屉也可以被编程,把毛绒毛巾和毛巾布长袍调到合适的温度,把早晨的寒冷赶走. 这间现代化的主浴室配有Wolf的加热抽屉和内置Wolf咖啡系统. 现在, 只需按一下按钮, you can enjoy a cappuccino before work, emerging pampered and caffeinated to start your day, or a sip a cup of chamomile as you steep yourself in a luxurious spa bath.

Photo courtesy of Clarke, New England’s Official Sub-Zero & 狼陈列室和测试厨房
